A branding designer with a unique interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving with experience in design leadership, brand strategy, art direction, storytelling and information design. I am committed to bringing internal and external teams together to achieve desired outcomes. For the past 20 years, I have worked to bring order and clarity to design communications and achieve strategic business objectives and explore ways to bring design simplicity to the surface.

Curious + Driven + Passion

Areas of Expertise


Design Leadership
Creative Direction
Brand Strategy
Brand Storytelling
Packaging Design
Information Design

Professional Experience


Senior Design Manager, Foundation Medicine, Cambridge, MA (Dec 2019–2023)
Senior Designer, Foundation Medicine, Cambridge, MA (Aug 2018–Dec 2019)
Associate Integrated Designer Contractor, Foundation Medicine, Cambridge, MA (Sept 2017–Aug 2018)

Harness the power of design to solve problems and achieve a high degree of brand awareness from within and project this outward to our customers. Elevated focus and ensuring the Foundation Medicine brand is managed for consistency and provide the best creative solutions to meet the strategic business objectives. Provide guidance and mentor other designers to instill a high level of design across our portfolio. Formulate and execute complex design problems in a science-driven company and place ultimate focus on the Patient and on our mission to transform cancer care. Creating synergy and cross-collaboration with teams and departments to develop tailored communications for use in product campaigns, sales training, internal programs, technical documents, and packaging. Engaging teams through workshops and hands-on demonstrations to bring concepts to life and ensure the design execution meets or exceeds our client’s expectations and fosters dynamic relationships rooted in our commitment to building better solutions for the Patients we serve.

Art Director/Designer, RD Designs, Los Angeles & Boston (2012–Present)

I develop intelligent design and branding solutions for global clients. Leveraging customer-driven insights to deliver user-centric design solutions across multiple touchpoints and build brand stories that connect with the needs of customer. Tasked with expressing the needs of each client and developing innovative solutions that serve a specific function, increase brand awareness and drive business growth across multi-touchpoints.

Art Director/Communications Specialist II Smith & Nephew, Andover, MA (2009–2011)

Creative lead for developing and overseeing nearly all of the creative solutions for medical devices across a wide variety of product types. Guided by strict branding guidelines, FDA regulatory and legal constraints, my goal was to find ways to express the company’s brand values through high-impact promotional material and to leverage medical devices franchises to drive company growth across multiple franchise teams in a very competitive industry. I directed managed franchise product campaigns spanning advertising, brochures, large trade show rollout, product launches, photography, and corporate website through the utilization of complex brand standards and maintaining brand consistency across all core franchises.


Design Philosophy

In this world, brands have never been more important. A strong brand has a purpose. It informs our decisions, it can heal us, it motivates us, it brings important change, and makes the world better. When you bring together informed design and curiosity anything is possible.

Selected Clients

Adobe, Affinity Internet, Ambient Devices, Ansell, Archway Health, BIC, Bigsby, Boston University, Brown Forman,

California Philharmonic, Catapult Thinking, Cayan (Merchant Warehouse), Channel Frederator, Community Pro Loud Speakers,

Dako, Ebling Group, Fishman, George P. Johnson, Gretag Macbeth, Gretsch Guitars, Harpoon Brewery, IBM, iRobot,

J D’Addario Company, Lifetime Television, Marine Polymer Technologies, Marigold Health, Meant, Metronics,

National Geographic Channel, Nose Cone, Pepper Computer, Polaroid Corporation, Quantum Corporation, Rico Reeds,

Sabian Cymbals, Sloan, Smith & Nephew, Sundance Film Festival, Shure, Utility Trailer Corporation and Vivere Health.

If you think I’d be a good fit for your team, drop me a line, and let’s meet.